
Pet Society - Coins Cheat Update

Written By Vio Pupu on Saturday, August 6, 2011 | 6:05 PM

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- Fiddler 2 [ download ]
- Google Chrome - Firefox [ download ]
- Database [ download ]
1. Download database.
2. Open Fiddler and play the game.
3. In Fiddler, click on "AutoResponder".
4. Now click  "Enable automatic responses" and "Permit passthrough for
    unmatched requests".
5. Select all database previously downloaded and drag to Fiddler.
8. Clear browser cache and refresh or reload your browser.
9. If the database are replaced correctly, cheat it works.
1. Action.dat
2. Database.dat
NOTE : Max 100.000 coins earned.
Credits : konthai


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