
Diamond Dash - Duration Time Stopped

Written By Vio Pupu on Monday, December 12, 2011 | 11:45 PM

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- Cheat Engine [ download ]
- Google Chrome - Firefox [ download ]

1. Play Diamond Dash
2. Open Cheat Engine and select process Plugin Container.exe or your browser.
3. Checklist Enable Speedhack change value to "0" and apply.(times stopped)
4. New scan times stopped value in Cheat Engine, Uncheklist Enable Speedhack and Checklist again Enable speedhack and apply.
5. Next scan times stopped value, you can see one address.
6. Double click address, Checklist Frozen in bottom Cheat Engine and Unchecklist Enable Speedhack.
7. Enjoyy...

Watch the video as it is difficult to write in steps.


  1. DIAMOND DASH DOWNLOAD HACK http://hacktime.org/facebook-game-hack/diamond-dash-hack-tool-v2-13/

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. the second time cannot do, pls help

  4. Hack Diamond Dash Online free

  5. Are you searching for the hack in Diamond Dash? Do you want to see the proof of hacking that really works? take a look at this website, I tried myself and it works perfectly. You don't have to download any tool or software to hack it.
